Friday, April 24, 2015

Asia into the 21st Century

Please finish watching To Live before class on Monday. We left off just under the 1 hour mark. Watch the whole thing if you weren't in class for it.

Last week of class! For Monday, please read Murphey, chapter 20, on South Asia since independence from British rule, and for Wednesday, please ready Murphey, chapter 21, on Asia in the 21st century.

The final will be a take-home exam, due in by Wednesday, May 6th, before midnight. The exam will cover material from the textbook chapters 12 through 21. The exam should be formatted as an outline, and evidence for your answers should be cited. I will gladly review drafts before the deadline if given enough advance notice.

Last year's exam consisted of three questions (one long and two shorter):
  1. What impact did the Cold War have on the countries of Monsoon Asia? (this is the long one)
  2. Where did the British, Dutch, French, and Japanese have colonies in Asia, and how did they treat their colonial subjects?
  3. How did World War II affect nationalist movements in Asia?
Please consider with me whether these questions would assess what you have or should have learned in the second half of the semester. We have emphasized different topics than the class did last year, so it's likely that these aren't exactly what we want. 


  1. After reading over the 3 questions, I only found #2 and partly #3 to be in line of what was emphasized this year.

  2. ^ I agree, #2 is good, #3 is ok.

  3. I also agree that question two seems to be the most pertinent of the available questions. Question three would be my second choice, but I would reword it as such -

    "How did communism and other outside sources influence nationalistic movements in Asia (IE: Vietnam, Korea, China)"
